Social responsibility

We recognise our responsibilities to society.



Premco is committed towards improving our impact on the environment. We recognise that we only have one planet, so we need to take care of it. We implement energy efficient machinery and procedures, treating all waste water and utilising power regulators. We have overhauled lighting to more energy efficient LED lightbulbs.

We acknowledge we need to do more in the future and will explore options to decrease our reliance on fossil fuels.

Further details are available in our sustainability report.

Local charity work

Premco make charitable donations to enable the good work of those providing healthcare, food and education to the needy. We make donations to provide support to the disabled, and also promote the opportunities of women in society.

Premco Vietnam recently took part in a blood drive to raise much needed supplies of blood for local hospitals.

Full details of our donations as a company can be found in the CSR chapter of our annual reports.

Child labour

Premco is committed to employing no child labour in any of its production or office sites. We will never employ labour that is younger than the minimum age for employment, nor those below the age of compulsory education in all countries we operate.

We welcome audits of our workforce by government or our customers.

Promoting the opportunities of women

We recognise the need for equal opportunities for women in the workplace. We run a scheme to develop the skills of women to enable them to work in the weaving department which is heavily male dominated. This results in higher pay and better opportunities for those involved in the scheme. Interestingly, we found the women could complete the work more quickly than their male counterparts.


All employees are fully trained in relevant Health and Safety procedures for their area of expertise. We are committed to ensuring that the working environment at Premco is comfortable, clean and safe for all of the workforce.

Where suitable we provide our staff with personal protective equipment.